Monday, August 07, 2006

Room Envy

This past weekend, Dave and I made the trip down to Georgia to help Lisa & Mike move into their new house. It was very hot, but I think we got a lot done. They still have a bunch more stuff to move, but all the "big" stuff got done.
Now, for the explanation of the title... their new house is huge! and very nice. The room envy comes from the GIGANTIC room which is going to be Lisa's scrapbook room. I would love to have a big ol' room like that for all my craft stuff. Dave would probably like that too- then my yarn, and paints, and soap molds and yarn and patterns and yarn and felt and ribbon and YARN wouldn't be piled in the living room, and computer room, and bedroom, and guest room cetera.
Oh well!

1 comment:

Maggie said...

you could just get rid of the bed in the guest room and make that a "craft room"...but then again, you'd get less visitors that way. Oh by the way, do you have a little bit of YARN?!?!?!